Israel's new Netanyahu-led government, including figures known for extreme anti-Arab views, will pose major challenges for Biden administration. LA Times
VOA VIEW: Tough problem for a weak Biden.
Taiwan's nationalist party is looking to the purported great-grandson of Chiang Kai-shek to refurbish its image. LA Times
A federal judge compelled Dr. Anthony Fauci to answer questions from lawyers suing to reveal the role of federal officials to suppress “disfavored speakers, viewpoints and content on social-media platforms.” New York Post
VOA VIEW: Fauci has a lot of explaining to do.


Prominent Twitter users erupted into a series of arguments after an MSNBC health columnist floated the idea of canceling Thanksgiving and moving winter holidays to prevent illness.  New York Post
VOA VIEW: A real fool.
There's sufficient circumstantial evidence suggesting President Biden not only lied about knowing Hunter was favor-trading on the family name with corrupt autocracies but that he was a beneficiary of those dealings. New York Post
VOA VIEW: Payback is troublesome for Biden.
“The Trump hangover is still impacting me in significant ways.” Adams said.  New York Post
The governor needs to send a clear message to the left that the Court of Appeals won't be guided by radical ideology, but by competence and a commitment to delivering justice. New York Post
VOA VIEW: Bet on the liberal way out.
The G.O.P. lawmakers in line to chair key committees have made it clear they will prioritize investigations of the Biden administration. New York Times
VOA VIEW: It will be interesting after the first of the year.
Ukrainian soldiers are firing thousands of shells daily, forcing the U.S. to replace gun barrels across the border in Poland. New York Times


Being a queer person of color in America can be dangerous. It shouldn’t be invisible. New York Times
VOA VIEW: It would not be an enjoyable position.
The lawsuit accuses county officials of breaking election laws and demands information about ballots affected by Election Day printer issues.       USA Today
VOA VIEW: The finding will be interesting to know.
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said he wants tax cuts in next year's budget proposal, though he will tread cautiously ahead of a possible economic downturn. Washington Times
Thousands of Amazon workers are staging strikes and a walkout this Black Friday to push the company into paying better wages and enhance its climate policies. Washington Times
VOA VIEW: Time will tell whether it is a smart move.

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Sen. Joe Manchin is negotiating in Congress to pass an energy permitting reform bill before the end of the year after Democrats reneged on a promise to approve the legislation in September. Washington Times
VOA VIEW: Manchin should be taken out in two years.
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a gene therapy treatment for adults with hemophilia B that costs $3.5 million per dose, making it the world's most expensive medicine. Washington Times
A marked escalation of attacks since Russia withdrew from the city. ABC
VOA VIEW: Russia is causing and escalation of the Ukrainian defense.


European officials are scrambling to help Ukraine stay warm. ABC
The omicron variant is driving U.S. COVID-19 case counts higher. ABC
VOA VIEW: It's hard to believe the liberal media.
While in Nantucket for Thanksgiving, President Biden told reporters he would try to get rid of assault weapons before the Republican majority takes control of the House. CBS
VOA VIEW: If it passes the liberal house, Republicans can change a ban in January.
The White House this week launched a six-week sprint aimed at convincing Americans to get their updated COVID-19 vaccine before the end of the year. CBS News Contributor Dr. Céline Gounder and Editor-at-Large for Public Health at Kaiser Health News joins "CBS Mornings" to discuss concerns about a post-holiday covid surge, boosters and treatments. CBS
VOA VIEW: The WH can't be trusted.
Black Friday weekend will take on additional importance this year after retailers like Target and Macy's reported a recent lull in sales. CNBC

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Baidu traffic data showed Beijing has fallen from being the most congested city in all of China to 74th place. CNBC
VOA VIEW: China is at fault.
Sen. Raphael Warnock has almost three times more cash on hand than Republican Herschel Walker going into the runoff election. CNBC
VOA VIEW: Republicans must finance Walker to assure a win.
Elon Musk said the Twitter "Verified" service would have a "gold check" for companies, a grey colored one for government accounts and a blue one for individuals. CNBC

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As many economies reel from the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a select few countries are benefiting from an influx of Russian migration and accompanying wealth. CNBC
VOA VIEW: A Russia loss.
As Black Friday kicks off the holiday shopping season, we're getting a clearer picture of how Americans plan to spend amid inflation and recession fears. CNBC
VOA VIEW: Spending on good deals does not hold back inflation and recession, much.
With living costs surging, consumers are starting to pull back on gratuities, recent reports show. CNBC
VOA VIEW: Not a good sign.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has in the past week launched a series of airstrikes against Kurdish militants in northern Syria, and is warning that a ground operation will soon follow. CNN
VOA VIEW: Not a god sign.
Half of the homes in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv remained without electricity on Friday in the face of a continued Russian military campaign to damage the country's civilian infrastructure. UPI
VOA VIEW: Russian mistake.
The Ford Motor Company on Thursday recalled more than a half-million Bronco Sport and Escape vehicles manufactured for model years 2020 to 2023. UPI
VOA VIEW: Bad news.

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