The real number is fewer than 2 in 10. Fewer than 4 in 10 adults say they trust President Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell or congressional leaders from either party to fix the economy, according to a new Gallup poll.
That’s the first time confidence in all of these leaders has dipped below 40% since the polling company started asking the question in an annual survey in 2001. The poll found that 35% of adults have a “great deal” or a “fair amount” of confidence in Mr. Biden to “recommend the right thing for the economy,” down 5 percentage points from 40% last year. Among the 55% who expressed a lack of trust in the president to do the right thing for their pocketbooks, nearly half — 48% — said they have “almost none.”
The poll also found the share of adults expressing confidence in Mr. Powell slipped 7 points, from 43% last year to 36% this year. Faith in congressional Democrats slid from 38% to 34% over the same period, while trust in Republican leaders dipped from 40% to 38%. “With the U.S. facing a deadline to increase the nation’s debt limit and the threat of an economic recession looming, Americans lack confidence in a variety of key U.S. leaders on economic matters,” Gallup said. Only 38% of respondents said they had confidence in Ms. Yellen, a former chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, to make the right financial calls.