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Robert Namer
Voice Of America
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September 16, 2023

     Biden is pushing another scam.  The Border Patrol would beef up its staff and bus out migrants ahead of dignitary visits to hide the true extent of the chaos at the southern border, leaving the false impression that they were prepared to handle a surge, according to an inspector general’s report.

    One agent told investigators that the Border Patrol would “make this place look fit and proper” every time a visitor was expected. After the visit, agents would “go right back to overfilled pods and lack of staff and equipment to handle the situation.”  That meant the visitors, some of them likely members of Congress, were “not shown how conditions are in reality,” the inspector general said.

     The reality was that agents were overwhelmed, overworked and frustrated with the chaos, the inspector general said. The audit report says Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the two main immigration enforcement agencies, are stretched to their breaking points.  The agencies kept staffing the same even as their duties and workloads soared, the audit found. Nearly 90% of law enforcement employees surveyed in each agency said they lack enough staff to handle another migrant surge.  

     CBP employees complained of operating with a “skeleton crew,” able to do little more than process new arrivals. Duties include restocking shelves with snacks for the migrants, delivering meals and keeping watch on migrants treated at hospitals.  One agent said it “feels more like social worker duties rather than law enforcement.”

     Morale is so low that the agencies face a wave of retirements and resignations, leaving them in an even worse position to handle conditions at the border, the audit concluded.  Agent suicides are also rising at the Border Patrol, said the inspector general, citing congressional testimony from the agents’ labor union.  “CBP’s and ICE’s current management of law enforcement staffing resources is unsustainable,” the inspector general said. “CBP and ICE workloads have grown significantly due to factors beyond DHS’ control, such as increasing border encounters and travel volume. Despite greater workloads, staffing levels have remained the same, with CBP and ICE using details and overtime to temporarily fill staffing gaps along the Southwest border.”  

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